Writers Archives - Fight by Faith https://fightbyfaith.com/category/writers/ The knowledge to live a righteous life. The will to keep going. Wed, 21 Jun 2023 01:06:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7 https://i0.wp.com/fightbyfaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/FBF-favicon.png?fit=18%2C32&ssl=1 Writers Archives - Fight by Faith https://fightbyfaith.com/category/writers/ 32 32 214613273 The Different Styles of Poetry https://fightbyfaith.com/the-different-styles-of-poetry/ https://fightbyfaith.com/the-different-styles-of-poetry/#respond Sat, 22 Apr 2023 16:26:01 +0000 https://fightbyfaith.com/?p=527 There are many different styles of poetry, well over fifty. Poems give a writer the freedom to flow with their words.

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There are many different styles of poetry that a writer can write. And many do not require a poem to rhyme. Many poems give a writer the freedom to flow with their words. Although free verse does not have to rhyme, they still have the option to include it in their poetry. Free verse was first used in the 1900’s by a poet name Gustave Kahn. I feel that a good poem depends on the mood of the writer and what topic they choose to write about. There are over fifty types of poetry. Even I can’t name them all. But a list and samples of those types of poems can be found at https://examples.yourdictionary.com/types-of-poetry-examples.html

But the one style of poetry that I write most is the free verse. Free verse does not require your words to be written in any special way. It can rhyme or not rhyme. Either way it is still artistic writing that comes from the writer’s heart. This type of writing has been around for hundreds of years. I love for my mind and my fingers to freely let the words flow.

Free verse is a spoken or written form of communication that can be musical effects of rhythm and sound. There were a few poems that I had written that I decided to make into music. And it sounded good. I love the fact that this style of poetry writing gives you the option to go in any direction that you want to go with your poetry.

But surprisingly, most writers do not consider free verse poetry to be “free”. T.S. Eliot wrote, “No verse is free for anyone who wants to do a good job.” But, to me, it all depends on your love for writing. It can be as free as you want it to be, and still be the best job you have ever done.

Even though free verse has no rhythm, when a reader reads the free verse poem, they can hear the rhythm of the words that has been used in the writer’s poem. A poet can create whatever rhythm they want to when they free verse.

In conclusion, free verse poetry does not follow any rules. It is free to go in whatever direction the writer wants it to go in. Free verse is based on a writer’s own rules and personal opinions or thoughts. The poet has the right to create the structure to express certain sounds and words. So, of the fifty different poems that is out there, free verse is just what it says. It is freedom of expression in whatever fashion that you wish for it to have. So, follow your heart and free verse away!

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Filing Taxes As A Writer https://fightbyfaith.com/filing-taxes-as-a-writer/ https://fightbyfaith.com/filing-taxes-as-a-writer/#respond Fri, 31 Mar 2023 18:17:42 +0000 https://fightbyfaith.com/?p=512 Every writer is self-employed. This means that writers can file for taxes. When filing for your taxes there are three forms that a writer is required to fill out when filing for their taxes. These three forms are: Schedule C, Schedule SE, and Form 1040. A writer is also required to pay their estimated taxes quarterly.…

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Every writer is self-employed. This means that writers can file for taxes. When filing for your taxes there are three forms that a writer is required to fill out when filing for their taxes. These three forms are: Schedule C, Schedule SE, and Form 1040. A writer is also required to pay their estimated taxes quarterly. Because the tax codes are very confusing, writers are encouraged to seek professional help when trying to fill out their taxes.

After you gather the required forms needed to file for your taxes the next step is to get your required proof of writing income. You should also get a 1099 form from your publisher. This form will show how much royalties that you have received. Publishers like Amazon will send a writer a separate 1099-MISC form for every country where they have earned royalty.

After you have successfully filled out all the required forms and have filed for your taxes make sure that you have paid all taxes that are due to be paid. Also, when getting all paper work together to send off, make sure you do not include a correspondence with your completed tax forms.

You can find more detailed information for filling out your tax forms at https://www.wikihow.com/File-Taxes-As-a-Published-Writer. For information on starting your own business as a writer you can go to https://www.janetfriedman.com/author-taxes/

It is very important to always keep a clean record of everything you do as a writer. So, when it is time to file for your taxes you will have proof of everything that you need to have to file with no problems.

Many writers fail to realize that they could have real money from their writing. Even if they fail in their sales. Writers can really help themselves in the long run if they could start looking at their writing career as a business instead of a hobby or something to do on the side.

To really turn your writing into a business, create you a website and promote your writing. Promote your business on social media. Make yourself some business cards to pass out and get you and your writing business out there. Make yourself known to as many people and businesses as possible.

Your business also needs a good eye-catching name as well as an EIN number. (Employer Identification Number).

If you are deciding to make your writing career into a full-time business make sure you do your full research. It is possible to be a successful writer with his or her own business. If you are willing to put in the time and effort it will take, then it is possible. There are many online sites that gives plenty of information of what you need to do to start out on your own as a full-time writer making some good income. Just do your research first. Find out everything there is to know about what you need to do to start on that independent journey to becoming a business owner.

In conclusion, writers have as big of an opportunity as any other career seeker, to be a successful business owner. Writers can also file taxes, but it is best for the writer to make sure that their business is making good enough income to file for taxes. As mentioned before, there are plenty of resources. So, do your research first, have faith and confidence in yourself and follow your dreams of being a successful writer with his or her own business. Anything is possible.

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