health Archives - Fight by Faith The knowledge to live a righteous life. The will to keep going. Sun, 23 Apr 2023 02:33:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 health Archives - Fight by Faith 32 32 214613273 Healthy Lifestyle for a Better You Fri, 31 Mar 2023 18:10:40 +0000 The most important thing to keep in mind when you decide to start living a healthy lifestyle is portion control. It's not what you eat, it’s how much of it you eat.

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There are endless information out there telling us what’s healthy and what is unhealthy. They tell us what foods are good to eat and which ones are not. But the most important thing to keep in mind when you decide to start living a healthy lifestyle is portion control. Its not what you eat, it’s how much of it you eat.

When you think of healthy eating, don’t think “diet”. Remember when you are fixing yourself something to eat, include protein (meat, beans, fish, cheese, nuts, eggs, and yogurt). Also include carbohydrates (Fruits, or fruit juice, beans, bread, cereal, rice, vegetables, and very little sweets like candy, cookies, and desserts.)

Another one to include is fat. This include things like butter, ice cream, coconut oil, and lard.

Another one to include is water. Water is the best thing you can consume because there is nothing in it. Just clear, odorless, tasteless water.

And last but not least, you must include vitamins and minerals. This includes watermelon, broccoli, soy milk, squash, cereals, chicken, mushrooms, and potatoes.

So, in other words, eat what you want, but in reasonable portions. Too much of anything is not good. But living a healthy lifestyle has more to do with it than just eating healthy. Exercising is another excellent way to take care of your health. And the number one exercise that is simple but has its benefits is walking. This exercise is really good for beginners who have to start off slow and work their way into other exercises like jogging.

Living your best life is just living in healthy ways that will benefit you and your body in the long run. Challenge yourself everyday to do something healthy for yourself. Just learn to love all of you, even your health.

There are other things in your life that can also affect your health. The stress of the world can also cause health problems for you. How you choose to deal with it will determine how you and your health will be. Many people deal with their problems by eating. They eat, eat, eat and gain, gain, gain. This can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle which will just lead to other health problems like diabetes. Choosing to not deal with these issues will lead you down a long road of poor health, pain and suffering due to other self created health problems.

So, in conclusion, living a healthy lifestyle requires you to eat healthy, exercise, and love yourself. No one can do it for you. It is going to require dedication and hard work. But it will definitely be worth it when you see the outcome of your hard work. Don’t be afraid to go on this journey alone. Take God with you. He is the greatest support you will ever find that will stick with you to the end.

Anything is possible. Don’t let the things in this world distract you from getting where you need to be. Don’t try to make yourself fit into society. Let go of all those things in your life that you know is causing you to backslide on your journey to better health. Do it for you and not for anyone else. Don’t do it for someone to accept you. Do this for you because in the end that’s who matters the most, you and your health.

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