spiritual growth Archives - Fight by Faith https://fightbyfaith.com/tag/spiritual-growth/ The knowledge to live a righteous life. The will to keep going. Wed, 21 Jun 2023 01:14:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7 https://i0.wp.com/fightbyfaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/FBF-favicon.png?fit=18%2C32&ssl=1 spiritual growth Archives - Fight by Faith https://fightbyfaith.com/tag/spiritual-growth/ 32 32 214613273 We Are the Church https://fightbyfaith.com/we-are-the-church/ https://fightbyfaith.com/we-are-the-church/#respond Sat, 22 Apr 2023 15:28:27 +0000 https://fightbyfaith.com/?p=530 When we think of church we see a building with a cross. We see church pews and a pulpit. We see everything that goes with the term “church”. But did you know that we are the true church?

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When we think of church we see a building with a cross. We see church pews and a pulpit. We see everything that goes with the term “church”. But did you know that we are the true church? God is not leaving it up to the benches and the pulpit to go and spread the gospel of His great news. He wants us to go out and win lost souls. He wants us to invite people to Christ. God wants us to share our stories, our testimonies, and the amazing things in our lives that God has personally done for us. By sharing, He can also do for those who do not know Him.

If We Are the Church It Requires Us to Renew Our Mind

If we are the church in this world, it will often require us to renew our minds daily in the Lord. Satan will come after the children of God and we must always be prepared. The word of God has everything we need to defeat the enemy.

God knows what we are up against in the world. So, as we represent Him, God promised us that He would never leave us nor forsake us. And He is a God of His word.

Living in The Peace of God

To be the church requires us to walk in the peace of God which also requires us to walk in love. To have peace with others requires you to first have peace with God. He will teach us how so that we can know how to be in peace in love out in a hurting and lost world.

Problems will come during our journey in the Lord. But we have the full power of God dwelling in the inside of us. It is time for us to spiritually grow up and use our faith to trust and believe in God in whatever we may face in this world. God will never give us more than we can bare because whatever we may have to bare in this world He will bare it with us.

We will never run out of the power that God has given us because the spirit of God that is within us is being renewed every day. And it will continue to be renewed if we spend time in the word daily. Be determined to have more of God in your life and less of yourself.

So, as we strive to be God’s temple, God’s “church,” we should also humble ourselves and submit ourselves to God. Continually resist the devil and he will flee. Whenever we choose to humble ourselves before the Lord God, we put ourselves in a position to receive more from God than what we even asked for. Because God knows what we need before we even ask. Always put your trust in God and use the word to come against Satan whenever He tries to get in your way of doing the will of God. God has everything you need to defeat the enemy. Just stay in the word of God and continue to represent Him.

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Spiritual Growth https://fightbyfaith.com/spiritual-growth-2/ https://fightbyfaith.com/spiritual-growth-2/#respond Sat, 22 Apr 2023 03:11:32 +0000 https://fightbyfaith.com/?p=533 Growing up in church I come to realize that it takes more than just “going to church” to really know God. I went to church for many years and didn’t really grow spiritually until I was 39. I went to over five churches before I finally found my church home....

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Growing up in church I come to realize that it takes more than just “going to church” to really know God. I went to church for many years and didn’t really grow spiritually until I was 39. I went to over five churches before I finally found my church home at The Word Christian Center. It was then that I started to truly learn of God and find myself in Him. Things that I would talk to God about in secret He would put it in the Pastor’s heart to preach on that exact thing, giving me answers that I was seeking from Him.

When my mom passed away January 14, 2014 I started seeing things in the spirit. I felt as if this was a part of my spiritual growth as well. But I started learning on a deeper level.

My Very First Vision

One vision I experienced was when I was in the living room of my dad’s house one night and I saw an angel in all white coming from the back of the house where my mom was in the bed sick. This happened days before my mom passed away. It made me feel like God was letting me know my mom would not be with us much longer. But I knew in my heart that when she did pass away she was at peace and her suffering was over.

My Second Vision

Another vision I experienced was the night I was laying on my couch listening to gospel music. There was a bright light in the room and two or three seconds later it was gone. I wondered then whether I saw God or an angel. It happened so quickly that it literally left me wanting to know more about my Heavenly Father.

There were a few more I had, but these experiences alone made me realize that I needed more of God in my life. I wanted to know more of what I was experiencing. It is so true what they would always tell me, you cannot know God if you do not know His word. I knew once I read the word of God then I would find the answers I seek.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1).


During my walk with God blessings started to come into my life. But I allowed it to pull me away from God and I temporarily lost my way. But God waited for me with open arms and it helped me to see how deep God’s love for me truly went. He blessed me to go to the 2018 Women of Worth Conference which helped me to spiritually grow and to find my place in Christ as a woman of God.

So spiritual growth in the Lord requires us to have a personal relationship with God and to read His word daily for us to personally know Him and His love for us. It is a true guide through life for us and answers questions that life has placed before us.

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Life with Jesus https://fightbyfaith.com/life-with-jesus/ https://fightbyfaith.com/life-with-jesus/#respond Fri, 31 Mar 2023 23:55:33 +0000 https://fightbyfaith.com/?p=522 Life in the flesh and life in the spirit are very different. Here’s a few of the changes I have been blessed to go through in my life.

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Life with Jesus is so wonderful. When I changed my life from doing things my way to doing it God’s way, I realized that it was the best thing I have ever done in my life. I feel free from so many things that I allowed myself to be weighed down by. Sin had me thinking that I had no way out, but God took my hand and led me in another direction. Life in the flesh and life in the spirit are very different. Here’s a few of the changes I have been blessed to go through in my life.

I went from Satan to Jesus, bondage to freedom, darkness to light, confusion to understanding, friends to enemies, terrible life to a wonderful life, not knowing Jesus to knowing Jesus. I could go on and on because when you become a part of Jesus you will receive endless blessings.

I learned that when you give your life to Christ people will treat you different. They will treat you like dirt. But guess what? Jesus was treated the same way. But who, in the end, went to a better place? Jesus will give you what you need to get through this sinful world and go to heaven where His Heavenly Father is.

Life with Jesus is so great you will want to invite those who do not know Him. You will start to realize you have the power God has given you to face ANYTHING. You can even save those that are lost. God gives everyone a choice. Him or Satan. Heaven or Hell. And if you don’t know then either go to someone who knows, go to church, or read the word. But God will always make a way and He always has a way. He will know if you truly want to give your life to Christ.

And don’t think you can fool Christ because we are the ones who are learning and just beginning. And you can’t keep anything from Him. Giving my life to Christ is the best decision I have ever made. He didn’t say it would be easy, but it will be easier than doing it all by yourself. Anything you can’t handle you can just give it to Jesus and He will take care of it for you. He will even show you how to handle the situation yourself.

This just gives you the opportunity to grow in Him and to know how to handle situations differently now that you are in Christ. Just believe and accept Him into your life. There’s nothing hard about it unless you make it hard. He can also be your mother, father, sister, and brother. Uncle, friend, anything you don’t have on earth. And Satan can’t even touch you because God protects you.

So life with Jesus is life everlasting. And no matter what you go through you will always have a reason to be joyful and thankful. And you will never get tired of thanking Jesus, because blessings will continue to come and it will constantly let you know just how much God loves you. And let Jesus know you love Him because He loved you so much that He died for you.

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The Word Works https://fightbyfaith.com/the-word-works/ https://fightbyfaith.com/the-word-works/#respond Fri, 31 Mar 2023 23:44:18 +0000 https://fightbyfaith.com/?p=518 When I first read this I just knew in my heart that I had everything. And that no matter what happens in my life it would not separate me from my God and His love for me.

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There are so many scriptures in the bible that relates to me. But the main one that really touches me and can relate to my life and the things that I have been through is Romans Chapter 8 verses 37-39. It explains how NOTHING can separate us from the love of God. NOTHING. And when I first read that I just knew in my heart that I had everything. And that no matter what happens in my life it would not separate me from my God and His love for me.

Facing so many obstacles in my life I needed to be reassured that God still loved me and that I still had Him by my side. To constantly feel that my sins was taking His love away from me was so heartbreaking, but God brought me to this scripture and it brought me so much peace.

Through faith in God and His word you will allow yourself to get to know God and His word on a more personal level. The word of God helps us to make better choices that will strengthen us along the path of life.

God’s word will teach us how to peacefully overcome the many obstacles that Satan puts in our path to try and get us to take our focus off of God and lose our way.

Satan does not want us to come to know and understand our true strength in the Lord. We should not ever try to live our lives apart from the word of God. If you do, you are giving Satan the opportunity to use you, to hurt you, and to pull you away from the love and guidance of God.

The first thing you need to do when it comes to the word of God is to first find a quiet place where you can be alone with God and His word. Take your time and just read the word of God and let the word of God minister to you. Let the Spirit of God speak to your heart. You will know when He speaks to you.

The next thing you need to do is pray to God. Let everything go and just give it all to Him. Nothing is too big for God. He can fix anything in your life that is broken. After you’ve given everything to God then you just sit and let the Lord speak to your heart. Anything He wants you to know you will receive it from Him. Don’t be in any hurry. Give God your time and let Him speak to you in the quiet.

No matter what you may go through in life you can go to the word of God for anything. It covers everything. It helps with relationships, health, finances, anger, love, forgiveness, keeping the peace of God with you, how to deal with people that do you wrong. How to live a life that is pleasing to God. The word of God is blessed instructions being lived everyday.

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