The Different Styles of Poetry

The Different Styles of Poetry

There are many different styles of poetry that a writer can write. And many do not require a poem to rhyme. Many poems give a writer the freedom to flow with their words. Although free verse does not have to rhyme, they still have the option to include it in their poetry. Free verse was first used in the 1900’s by a poet name Gustave Kahn. I feel that a good poem depends on the mood of the writer and what topic they choose to write about. There are over fifty types of poetry. Even I can’t name them all. But a list and samples of those types of poems can be found at

But the one style of poetry that I write most is the free verse. Free verse does not require your words to be written in any special way. It can rhyme or not rhyme. Either way it is still artistic writing that comes from the writer’s heart. This type of writing has been around for hundreds of years. I love for my mind and my fingers to freely let the words flow.

Free verse is a spoken or written form of communication that can be musical effects of rhythm and sound. There were a few poems that I had written that I decided to make into music. And it sounded good. I love the fact that this style of poetry writing gives you the option to go in any direction that you want to go with your poetry.

But surprisingly, most writers do not consider free verse poetry to be “free”. T.S. Eliot wrote, “No verse is free for anyone who wants to do a good job.” But, to me, it all depends on your love for writing. It can be as free as you want it to be, and still be the best job you have ever done.

Even though free verse has no rhythm, when a reader reads the free verse poem, they can hear the rhythm of the words that has been used in the writer’s poem. A poet can create whatever rhythm they want to when they free verse.

In conclusion, free verse poetry does not follow any rules. It is free to go in whatever direction the writer wants it to go in. Free verse is based on a writer’s own rules and personal opinions or thoughts. The poet has the right to create the structure to express certain sounds and words. So, of the fifty different poems that is out there, free verse is just what it says. It is freedom of expression in whatever fashion that you wish for it to have. So, follow your heart and free verse away!


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