
Hello readers!

Diane Thomas is a writer, mother, wife, and a child of God. Her articles and novels are meant to inspire, heal, and entertain. Fight by Faith depicts her religious journey and discloses her views on life in accordance with her religious beliefs.


A Time To Forgive

Victoria Johnson, the woman who Officer Andrew Johnson had married, was abandoned by him over five years ago. He reentered her life, wanting to be a part of her and their son's lives, the son he had wanted her to abort. Then a painful secret was revealed, and Andrew had to confront his past, all the while destroying Victoria's life and all those close to her. As a result of Andrew's return home, painful secrets that he had kept from only Victoria ruined the relationship between mother and daughter. When the secret was out, it not only ruined the relationship between mother and daughter, but between her close friends, who also had secrets of their own. Victoria struggled to get passed the hurt and pain with a new love. Trevor Stansberry had entered her life. it was a love that Andrew despised. But, through God, Victoria had to learn the lesson of forgiveness in order for her to forgive everyone in her life that betrayed her and decide who her heart belonged to.

The Perfect Gentleman

Melanie Brown and her mother Talva Brown lived a very hard and difficult life as homeless women. But Melanie's mom died when Melanie was only fourteen, leaving Melanie to survive the streets on her own. Desperate for a better life, Melanie met Henry Dotson. Someone who offered her the world, but also took her freedom and almost took her life. After barely escaping with her life and once again living on the streets, Melanie was desperate to end her life until she came to know a God that could change everything she was going through and offer her a life of peace and hope. But was it enough for Melanie to once again face a past that was trying to take away her future. She was about to truly experience the true power of the God the loved and served with her whole heart.

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