Relationships Archives - Fight by Faith The knowledge to live a righteous life. The will to keep going. Mon, 04 Nov 2024 03:17:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Relationships Archives - Fight by Faith 32 32 214613273 Sex Outside of Marriage Mon, 04 Nov 2024 03:17:30 +0000 Sex is a topic that is rarely discussed but is often overly performed. Even the churches seldom discuss this topic because it makes people “uncomfortable.” In the Bible, however, Jesus was not ashamed to teach what needed to be taught. We allow our comfortable lifestyle to keep us in sin. Sexual acts should never be…

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Sex is a topic that is rarely discussed but is often overly performed. Even the churches seldom discuss this topic because it makes people “uncomfortable.” In the Bible, however, Jesus was not ashamed to teach what needed to be taught. We allow our comfortable lifestyle to keep us in sin. Sexual acts should never be performed unless you are married, according to the scriptures.

For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour
1 Thessalonians 4:3-5

That’s right, the word of God also speaks on this topic. It tells us that sex outside of marriage (fornication) is a sin. But before we go any further, let’s take a look at the definition of sex. Sex is defined as sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse, normally between a man and woman (male and female). The first book of the Bible, Genesis, speaks of the physical union between man and woman, as God created them to be.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
Genesis 2:24

So sex outside of marriage is a sin in the eyes of God. According to the word of God, sex is not just a physical act of pleasure between two people. It is a spiritual çombining where man and woman become one. This is why it is important to allow God to send you that helpmate who will be one with you spiritually and physically. You do not want to give up something so important to just anyone. Only to the one God intended for you to be with.

In this sinful world, intercourse is probably the greatest sin, next to sinning against God by denying Him and denying who He is. Sex has been used and greatly abused in so many unclean ways. It has also left many people blind to the truth. Sex has made people believe they were in love just because they chose to share the act with just anyone. Sex has led to people cheating and, even worse, catching diseases.

Sex is something many rush into with their spiritual eyes closed. Satan has used it to blind people to the truth. They have been misled, hurt, abused, lied to, and physically mistreated. Many people had mistaken sex for love. Sex has also led to adultery. It has ruined marriages and has been the cause of many divorces. And it has led to jealousy, which in many cases has led to lives being taken. Some people would rather have sex than have a faithful life with God and the person God has given them to be with. Sex may feel good, but it can lead many astray as well as leave them lost in their relationship with God and with the person they are supposed to be with.

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Choosing God First Sat, 22 Apr 2023 17:18:29 +0000 When you go somewhere in private and talk to God, tell Him exactly what you are looking for in a person. Don't leave anything out and be very detailed.

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When you are single and you are just entering that point in your life when you want to find that special someone, the best thing you can do for yourself and that person you wish to have in your life is to put God first. Let Him seek out that special someone for you. Don’t be quick to jump into any relationship until you know that God is telling you it’s ok for you to give that person a chance.

You’ll know when God is telling you it’s ok for you to seek that person. When you go somewhere in private and talk to God, tell Him exactly what you are looking for in a person. Don’t leave anything out and be very detailed. This is a very important step because you are asking God to send you someone who you might end up spending the rest of your life with. So, make sure you know what you want before you go to God with it. That is the very first step in having a successful relationship. Put God first and let him seek out that special someone for you. If you try to seek this person out for yourself you are more than likely going to fail at this because Satan comes in all kinds of disguises. And only God above can see through anyone and anything. Only God knows the thoughts of a man or woman for that matter. Only God knows what that person’s intentions are. Whether they are only trying to hurt you or not. So first know in your heart that you can trust God to fully make this life decision for you.

After you pray to God about who you wish to be with and what kind of person you want to be with, the next thing you should do is to let it go and trust in God to bring that specific person you prayed for to you. You will know because only you and God know what you asked for. Be patient with God and with yourself. If this doesn’t happen for you right away don’t worry. God knows how precious your heart is and He does not wish to see your heart broken. That right person that you prayed for will come at the right time because it will be in God’s time. It’s ok to go on dates, but don’t give anything that shouldn’t be given until that right person that God wants in your life comes along.

When that person you prayed for comes into your life know right off that it will have its ups and downs. And through it all make sure you always keep God first and in the center of your relationship. He will continuously guide you and show you what you can do to make that relationship stronger and He will also tell you where it went wrong at and what you can do to fix it. There were so many times in my relationship that my partner got angry with me about something. And instead of us arguing about it we just gave each other time first then we would talk it out. So when we finally did talk it out, God would have already revealed to me what the problem was before my partner was ready to talk it out. That’s just how amazing God is. I promise you it works.

For the ones that have already had their share of bad relationships see it as a blessing in disguise. You now know what you really want and don’t want. You know what to stay away from and what to hold on to. But most importantly you know to put God first. That’s the only way any relationship or marriage is going to work,

Now how do I know all of this? Because I have been through it already. But when I first started out I didn’t know what I wanted. I was afraid to commit to something that would eventually be wrong for me. I had already been hurt before I even considered being in any relationship. So, I turned to the only one that I knew for sure didn’t one, hurt me, and two, He knew how to truly love me. So, in my heart, I knew He would find me someone who could love my heart as much as He loved my heart. So, I got alone with God in a room and I took my time and had a long talk with God. I told Him exactly what I wanted and what I didn’t want in a man.

After I told God what kind of person I desired to have in my life, I let it go and trusted in Him to send that exact person I prayed for to me. As the opportunity came to date men, I knew what I requested of God. When I didn’t see that in that person I was dating, I kindly let that person go. When he did come, I knew it in my heart, because I felt it strongly. And any time an obstacle tried to stop us from being together or trying to get to know one another, God always made a way for us to come together again.

To this day, I and my husband has been together for twenty- one year and we dated for eight years before we decided to have a child together. And our love for each other is still strong in the Lord God. It’s only because of Him that we are still together. Because if we would have done it on our own we would not be together. The obstacles that we faced with God, we couldn’t have gotten through them on our own strength.

So, whatever point you are in your life, if God isn’t first, put Him first. Because if anything comes against you in your life, that thing will have to face God first. You can trust Him. He will fight all your battles for you. It will not be an easy road to travel, but always know that when you have God first in your life you will not be traveling that road alone. He will always be there with you and for you. Be blessed.

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Forgiveness Fri, 31 Mar 2023 23:41:47 +0000 To have the love of God in your life means to have forgiveness in your heart for anyone who has wronged you in any way. We face so much hurt and pain in life. And we have to always keep in mind that God will always give us the strength to forgive people for the…

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To have the love of God in your life means to have forgiveness in your heart for anyone who has wronged you in any way.

We face so much hurt and pain in life. And we have to always keep in mind that God will always give us the strength to forgive people for the hurtful things they do unto us.

Our strength and our life’s stories will be our testimony tot hose who are facing the same problems and they feel there is no hope and no more love and acceptance in the world to be offered to them.

But you are a witness to the fact that the love that they so desperately seek for is not in the world, but in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God cannot use us to glorify His kingdom when we choose to hold unforgiveness in our hearts against someone.

Unforgiveness causes mental and emotional stress. But forgiveness restores relationships. You have to be willing to take the first step in forgiving someone. And you can only do it through Christ Jesus.

It is important to forgive one another. To walk in unforgiveness will only hinder who you can truly be in Christ. Jesus. Unforgiveness is a demonic spirit. It gives the enemy full advantage of you.l He is given access to parts of your life he is off limits to. This is not the desire of God.

God cannot bless us when we are operating in unforgiveness. God is love, so when we are walking in unforgiveness, we are not walking in His love. Because of this, God cannot give us what we desire for Him to bless us with.

The bible tells us to forgive others. In Matthew 18: 21-22, it says: Then Peter came to Him and siad, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?”

Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.”

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Love Fri, 31 Mar 2023 01:07:57 +0000 What do you think of when you think of love? Do you think of a certain someone? Does money come to your mind? Does the Creator of love come to your mind? Maybe if we completely understood the meaning of love, we would be able to live our lives knowing that we all have the…

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What do you think of when you think of love? Do you think of a certain someone? Does money come to your mind? Does the Creator of love come to your mind? Maybe if we completely understood the meaning of love, we would be able to live our lives knowing that we all have the most important source of love in the world. And that source of love is God. Love does not begin with people or material things. It all starts with God and continues through life with His guidance.

Life has taught so many of us that love does not have any meaning to it. We take so much for granted. Relationships and marriages do not mean as much to people as it should. We are so quick to just throw it all away because of what we’ve been through. We are quick to call it quits instead of giving it our all. But even though people do not understand just how powerful love still is, it still has the power to do whatever it is intended to do. The word of God speaks a great deal on love. And it is the most important topic in the bible. God said that love alone covers a multitude of sin. In the word of God, 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 speaks on the excellence of love and how to live and walk in that excellence.

So, love doesn’t only consist of romantic love. So many times, it causes hurt and pain and some people automatically say that love doesn’t exist or that they give up on love. Love will never feel right when it isn’t from God. He created love and He is love. So, everything you do in your life should include God first. You will know what to do and things will start to make more sense to you, Love works through people and through situations. You can’t go through your life without love. If you do you will spend a huge part of your life feeling angry and bitter because you are looking for love and acceptance in the wrong places and in the wrong people.

The hardest part of love in the word of God is loving our enemies as it mentions in Matthew 5:44. “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.”

This scripture is in red, so this is God speaking on this. No matter what we go through or what we must face, God wants us to face them all in love, as He did when He walked this earth. He was the perfect example of love. And if we look for love everywhere but in Him then we will never fully experience what it is like to be truly loved by love itself.

So, when it comes to relationships and people trying to find someone who will truly love them, they will be hurt every time. Because people look for other people to love them the way they deserve to be loved and that person do not fully understand the depth of love and how to use it. It is often abused and people end up hurt and don’t fully understand that until that person can fully understand love (fully understand God) then they will never know how to rightly use the power that love carries.

So, how do we experience the fullness of love and all the awesomeness of peace and happiness it offers? Well, God must be first in your life before you choose to do anything. After all, God is love, remember? Without love how far can we really get? Believe me I know. I was getting far in my life only to realize I wasn’t getting anywhere. Only until I finally let God in did my life start to make sense to me. I knew how to approach love and how to look for it from others. God also gave me guidance when I was lost or when I needed answers. Everything I did I trusted God in it and I put Him first. Nothing is stronger than God so whatever came my way had to get through God first.

Growing up I had seen so many hurt and pain in the lives of other people around me. It took me so long just to go on my first date. Trusting someone with something as gentle and fragile as my heart was something I was in no hurry to jump into. I didn’t even know how to approach the relationship thing. Growing up in church, I knew I could turn to God for help in this area of my life.

In my lifetime I’ve met a total of four men. Three only wanted sex that they weren’t getting from me. The fourth one was my soul mate. He was everything that I went to God and asked for. That’s what you should do before you give your heart to someone. Tell God exactly what you are looking for and patiently wait for him or her and God will give you the desires of your heart. And believe me you will know when he or she comes into your life. Because only you and God know what kind of person you asked for.

So, if you’ve given up on love or you are close to giving up on love, I encourage you to give your heart to God. He will mend your heart and take care of it as if it was His very own. God created us all so He knows us better than we know ourselves. So, to trust Him with your heart and with your relationships is the best thing that you can ever do with your life and with those you choose to be with.

So, in conclusion, love should not have been something that people feel does not work or isn’t real. It has been so abused in society so much that people do not know how to treat it as something special and important. To know and understand its true meaning is the only way you will know its true strength. So, don’t give up on love or doubt its true ability. Cause in the end you are only doubting God and His true ability. Be blessed.

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