

To have the love of God in your life means to have forgiveness in your heart for anyone who has wronged you in any way.

We face so much hurt and pain in life. And we have to always keep in mind that God will always give us the strength to forgive people for the hurtful things they do unto us.

Our strength and our life’s stories will be our testimony tot hose who are facing the same problems and they feel there is no hope and no more love and acceptance in the world to be offered to them.

But you are a witness to the fact that the love that they so desperately seek for is not in the world, but in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God cannot use us to glorify His kingdom when we choose to hold unforgiveness in our hearts against someone.

Unforgiveness causes mental and emotional stress. But forgiveness restores relationships. You have to be willing to take the first step in forgiving someone. And you can only do it through Christ Jesus.

It is important to forgive one another. To walk in unforgiveness will only hinder who you can truly be in Christ. Jesus. Unforgiveness is a demonic spirit. It gives the enemy full advantage of you.l He is given access to parts of your life he is off limits to. This is not the desire of God.

God cannot bless us when we are operating in unforgiveness. God is love, so when we are walking in unforgiveness, we are not walking in His love. Because of this, God cannot give us what we desire for Him to bless us with.

The bible tells us to forgive others. In Matthew 18: 21-22, it says: Then Peter came to Him and siad, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?”

Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.”


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