

What do you think of when you think of love? Do you think of a certain someone? Does money come to your mind? Does the Creator of love come to your mind? Maybe if we completely understood the meaning of love, we would be able to live our lives knowing that we all have the most important source of love in the world. And that source of love is God. Love does not begin with people or material things. It all starts with God and continues through life with His guidance.

Life has taught so many of us that love does not have any meaning to it. We take so much for granted. Relationships and marriages do not mean as much to people as it should. We are so quick to just throw it all away because of what we’ve been through. We are quick to call it quits instead of giving it our all. But even though people do not understand just how powerful love still is, it still has the power to do whatever it is intended to do. The word of God speaks a great deal on love. And it is the most important topic in the bible. God said that love alone covers a multitude of sin. In the word of God, 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 speaks on the excellence of love and how to live and walk in that excellence.

So, love doesn’t only consist of romantic love. So many times, it causes hurt and pain and some people automatically say that love doesn’t exist or that they give up on love. Love will never feel right when it isn’t from God. He created love and He is love. So, everything you do in your life should include God first. You will know what to do and things will start to make more sense to you, Love works through people and through situations. You can’t go through your life without love. If you do you will spend a huge part of your life feeling angry and bitter because you are looking for love and acceptance in the wrong places and in the wrong people.

The hardest part of love in the word of God is loving our enemies as it mentions in Matthew 5:44. “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.”

This scripture is in red, so this is God speaking on this. No matter what we go through or what we must face, God wants us to face them all in love, as He did when He walked this earth. He was the perfect example of love. And if we look for love everywhere but in Him then we will never fully experience what it is like to be truly loved by love itself.

So, when it comes to relationships and people trying to find someone who will truly love them, they will be hurt every time. Because people look for other people to love them the way they deserve to be loved and that person do not fully understand the depth of love and how to use it. It is often abused and people end up hurt and don’t fully understand that until that person can fully understand love (fully understand God) then they will never know how to rightly use the power that love carries.

So, how do we experience the fullness of love and all the awesomeness of peace and happiness it offers? Well, God must be first in your life before you choose to do anything. After all, God is love, remember? Without love how far can we really get? Believe me I know. I was getting far in my life only to realize I wasn’t getting anywhere. Only until I finally let God in did my life start to make sense to me. I knew how to approach love and how to look for it from others. God also gave me guidance when I was lost or when I needed answers. Everything I did I trusted God in it and I put Him first. Nothing is stronger than God so whatever came my way had to get through God first.

Growing up I had seen so many hurt and pain in the lives of other people around me. It took me so long just to go on my first date. Trusting someone with something as gentle and fragile as my heart was something I was in no hurry to jump into. I didn’t even know how to approach the relationship thing. Growing up in church, I knew I could turn to God for help in this area of my life.

In my lifetime I’ve met a total of four men. Three only wanted sex that they weren’t getting from me. The fourth one was my soul mate. He was everything that I went to God and asked for. That’s what you should do before you give your heart to someone. Tell God exactly what you are looking for and patiently wait for him or her and God will give you the desires of your heart. And believe me you will know when he or she comes into your life. Because only you and God know what kind of person you asked for.

So, if you’ve given up on love or you are close to giving up on love, I encourage you to give your heart to God. He will mend your heart and take care of it as if it was His very own. God created us all so He knows us better than we know ourselves. So, to trust Him with your heart and with your relationships is the best thing that you can ever do with your life and with those you choose to be with.

So, in conclusion, love should not have been something that people feel does not work or isn’t real. It has been so abused in society so much that people do not know how to treat it as something special and important. To know and understand its true meaning is the only way you will know its true strength. So, don’t give up on love or doubt its true ability. Cause in the end you are only doubting God and His true ability. Be blessed.


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