life Archives - Fight by Faith The knowledge to live a righteous life. The will to keep going. Sun, 23 Apr 2023 03:15:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 life Archives - Fight by Faith 32 32 214613273 How To Have A Strong Marriage Sat, 22 Apr 2023 00:40:35 +0000 , God is the witness to the words that were spoken between two people when they got married to one another. And God sealed them.

The post How To Have A Strong Marriage appeared first on Fight by Faith.

Marriages is something that has been taken very lightly in the world today. So many people are not willing to do what it will take to make it work. They are quick to call it quits and end everything in divorce. God does not approve of divorce. It can work if you want it to and if you allow God to come in and do His part.

Marriage is defined as two partners that are legally joined together in union or a personal relationship between themselves and God. When two couples say “I do”, they are sealing a covenant between themselves and God. It is a covenant that is made between themselves, God, and their children or future children.

Ephesians 5:25: “For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her.”
Genesis 2:24: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”


Marriage according to the word of God means that these two people are now one flesh. There is no longer an I but a we. God’s desire for marriages is to prevent couples from going down the path of divorce, which seems to be the easier way out when we do not care to deal with the problems that come with marriage. We allow the problems to distract us so much that we do not take the time needed to see the solution to the problem that God tries to show married couples.

God is the one thing in a marriage that can take care of the many issues that married couples face. If married couples can take the time needed to study the word of God together as well as individually, it would be easier for couples to deal with their problems, because they know to go to the word of God where the answer to their problems are. The word of God should always be the final authority for every decision that we make. Whether it is together with our spouse or individually in our one on one time with God. No matter what you may go through in your marriage, you can back everything up with the word of God. It will never lead you wrong.

According to the words of Prophet Greg G. Green, God is the witness to the words that were spoken between two people when they got married to one another. And God sealed them. So it is better to not tamper with these words that were spoken. You should not try to chance these words. If you change these words you’re going to change the mindset then you are going to change your actions. Now you are on the path to a divorce.

“God is the witness to the words that were spoken between two people when they got married to one another. And God sealed them. So it is better to not tamper with these words that were spoken.”

Prophet Greg G. Green

You should not try to chance these words. If you change these words you’re going to change the mindset, then you are going to change your actions. Now you are on the path to a divorce.

Our success in having a strong marriage lies in our cooperation with God. If we yield ourselves to God in spite of our circumstances then we can overcome any seemingly impossible situation.

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Being Prepared Fri, 31 Mar 2023 00:44:22 +0000 Planning ahead helped me to stay ahead.

The post Being Prepared appeared first on Fight by Faith.

I remember when I was in high school, I struggled in my classes. I failed so many of my tests. It made me feel like a complete failure. I did my best and still failed. And being in school, I understand why. I didn’t take the time to plan.

Knowing I had decided to return to school, I was doing more planning than I had ever done. But, I realized that planning ahead helped me to stay ahead.

After struggling so much through high school, I had my mind set on not going back to college. Fear of failure kept me from going to college. But because of my love for writing, I decided to go back to college.

When I finished high school I decided to skip college and just focus on writing. I ended up getting one book published, The Perfect Gentleman, but my knowledge of the publishing world needed working on. I attended schools through the mail but they just didn’t work out. After really giving it some thought I decided that maybe I should reconsider going to college. But I had help with my decision. My son also played a role in my going back to school. I couldn’t make up my mind on whether I should go back to school or not. When he first started going to school, Corban asked me what I was going to be doing while he was at school. I said I didn’t know so he told me to go to school. It only confirmed what I couldn’t make my mind up on.

When I realized I was going to get a BA in English, I was really worried. In high school, English was one of my weakest subjects. But as I got in school, I felt that I was about to be strengthened in one of the main courses I wanted to strengthen. I felt I could definitely benefit from going to college by increasing my understanding on writing, promoting, and publishing my book. It was the main three areas of my writing that needed working on. And since being in college, I felt I had made some progress. I learned to take notes, study, and give reasonable time to learning new things which helped me to generate ideas.

I had to have changes made in my lifestyle in order for me to pursue my degree. So much of my life was given to helping and doing for other people. I had to let go of a lot of things that was unnecessarily taking so much of my time. Now that I was in school, I had to finally give myself some me time.

There was a lot of obstacles in my life that was trying to prevent me from doing my best in college. My health, my family, so many doctor’s appointments. Trying to keep up with everything was hard along with keeping up with school work. But like I’ve learned in Ashford’s classes it was good to write out a schedule to follow. I did that and it made things a whole lot easier to handle.

I don’t regret the decision I made of going back to school. It helped me in so many ways. And I finally felt I was doing something that was worth my time.

Life as a published author can sometimes be a challenge. Every writer should know as much as possible about the publishing world., it lets people know where you stand as a writer, it prevents someone from claiming your work, and it lets publishers, agents, and other writers know that you’re not walking in with your eyes closed. Putting more time into studying, planning, learning new things, generating ideas, and being willing to accept feedback or advice can also help in the long run. It will add to what you already know.

People respect you more when you know what you’re doing. I learned from experience that you should never just rush into anything. It will not help you if you do not know anything about what you are trying to make a goal or career at.

The post Being Prepared appeared first on Fight by Faith.

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