self-improvement Archives - Fight by Faith The knowledge to live a righteous life. The will to keep going. Sun, 23 Apr 2023 03:15:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 self-improvement Archives - Fight by Faith 32 32 214613273 An Appetite For Change Sat, 22 Apr 2023 02:19:16 +0000 Self-Improvement is something that is possible to do. But the first step towards making an improvement in your life is to always, always, always put God first and then find out what you feel needs improving. But God will also let you know what you can do to make changes for the better in your…

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Self-Improvement is something that is possible to do. But the first step towards making an improvement in your life is to always, always, always put God first and then find out what you feel needs improving. But God will also let you know what you can do to make changes for the better in your life because He knows us all better than we know ourselves. The word of God is the best place to start on the road to self-improvement. It has everything you need in any area of your life that you wish to improve on.

Beginning on the road to self-improvement is something that should not be done through other people’s opinions. It will eventually lead to regret and disappointment because you followed someone’s opinion rather than following your own heart on what you want to change about your own life. Go to the truth, which is the word of God. It can help you in any area of your life. Change what you can or what God is showing you and give what you can’t change to Him. God will either fix it Himself or show you exactly what you need to do to better handle that area of your life.

One scripture in the bible can be used to start fresh in your spiritual walk which will definitely lead you to self-improvement.:

2Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.


This scripture alone gives you the right to start over fresh. Everything up to this point is forgiven and forgotten and you have the opportunity to start over and improve your life with God. You are now a born again christian. This time you can do it with God instead of without Him.

Other ways that can help are reading books. Reading spiritual books or listening to other men and women of God preach will help you to increase in wisdom.

Another way is to continually speak positivity into your life and into other people lives. Spending your time helping others, praying for others, or doing anything that can uplift someone else will help you to improve in areas of your own life.

Exercises, or yoga can help you to self-improve as well. It will free your mind and your spirit of things that are cluttering your mind. It will help you to focus better on what it is you need to do.

Another way is to overcome your fears or anxiety. Fear alone will hold you back from accomplishing so much in your life. Fear will give you every reason to quit or not to go after what your heart is telling you to go after. Fear is only false evidence appearing real. Fear is just a lie from Satan to keep you where you are in your life. It does not want to see you happy and at peace. And the best way to tackle this is through the word of God.

So, in conclusion, we should always have God as our first place to go to for self-improvement. He is the only one who knows us better than we will ever know ourselves.

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Life with Jesus Fri, 31 Mar 2023 23:55:33 +0000 Life in the flesh and life in the spirit are very different. Here’s a few of the changes I have been blessed to go through in my life.

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Life with Jesus is so wonderful. When I changed my life from doing things my way to doing it God’s way, I realized that it was the best thing I have ever done in my life. I feel free from so many things that I allowed myself to be weighed down by. Sin had me thinking that I had no way out, but God took my hand and led me in another direction. Life in the flesh and life in the spirit are very different. Here’s a few of the changes I have been blessed to go through in my life.

I went from Satan to Jesus, bondage to freedom, darkness to light, confusion to understanding, friends to enemies, terrible life to a wonderful life, not knowing Jesus to knowing Jesus. I could go on and on because when you become a part of Jesus you will receive endless blessings.

I learned that when you give your life to Christ people will treat you different. They will treat you like dirt. But guess what? Jesus was treated the same way. But who, in the end, went to a better place? Jesus will give you what you need to get through this sinful world and go to heaven where His Heavenly Father is.

Life with Jesus is so great you will want to invite those who do not know Him. You will start to realize you have the power God has given you to face ANYTHING. You can even save those that are lost. God gives everyone a choice. Him or Satan. Heaven or Hell. And if you don’t know then either go to someone who knows, go to church, or read the word. But God will always make a way and He always has a way. He will know if you truly want to give your life to Christ.

And don’t think you can fool Christ because we are the ones who are learning and just beginning. And you can’t keep anything from Him. Giving my life to Christ is the best decision I have ever made. He didn’t say it would be easy, but it will be easier than doing it all by yourself. Anything you can’t handle you can just give it to Jesus and He will take care of it for you. He will even show you how to handle the situation yourself.

This just gives you the opportunity to grow in Him and to know how to handle situations differently now that you are in Christ. Just believe and accept Him into your life. There’s nothing hard about it unless you make it hard. He can also be your mother, father, sister, and brother. Uncle, friend, anything you don’t have on earth. And Satan can’t even touch you because God protects you.

So life with Jesus is life everlasting. And no matter what you go through you will always have a reason to be joyful and thankful. And you will never get tired of thanking Jesus, because blessings will continue to come and it will constantly let you know just how much God loves you. And let Jesus know you love Him because He loved you so much that He died for you.

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Healthy Lifestyle for a Better You Fri, 31 Mar 2023 18:10:40 +0000 The most important thing to keep in mind when you decide to start living a healthy lifestyle is portion control. It's not what you eat, it’s how much of it you eat.

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There are endless information out there telling us what’s healthy and what is unhealthy. They tell us what foods are good to eat and which ones are not. But the most important thing to keep in mind when you decide to start living a healthy lifestyle is portion control. Its not what you eat, it’s how much of it you eat.

When you think of healthy eating, don’t think “diet”. Remember when you are fixing yourself something to eat, include protein (meat, beans, fish, cheese, nuts, eggs, and yogurt). Also include carbohydrates (Fruits, or fruit juice, beans, bread, cereal, rice, vegetables, and very little sweets like candy, cookies, and desserts.)

Another one to include is fat. This include things like butter, ice cream, coconut oil, and lard.

Another one to include is water. Water is the best thing you can consume because there is nothing in it. Just clear, odorless, tasteless water.

And last but not least, you must include vitamins and minerals. This includes watermelon, broccoli, soy milk, squash, cereals, chicken, mushrooms, and potatoes.

So, in other words, eat what you want, but in reasonable portions. Too much of anything is not good. But living a healthy lifestyle has more to do with it than just eating healthy. Exercising is another excellent way to take care of your health. And the number one exercise that is simple but has its benefits is walking. This exercise is really good for beginners who have to start off slow and work their way into other exercises like jogging.

Living your best life is just living in healthy ways that will benefit you and your body in the long run. Challenge yourself everyday to do something healthy for yourself. Just learn to love all of you, even your health.

There are other things in your life that can also affect your health. The stress of the world can also cause health problems for you. How you choose to deal with it will determine how you and your health will be. Many people deal with their problems by eating. They eat, eat, eat and gain, gain, gain. This can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle which will just lead to other health problems like diabetes. Choosing to not deal with these issues will lead you down a long road of poor health, pain and suffering due to other self created health problems.

So, in conclusion, living a healthy lifestyle requires you to eat healthy, exercise, and love yourself. No one can do it for you. It is going to require dedication and hard work. But it will definitely be worth it when you see the outcome of your hard work. Don’t be afraid to go on this journey alone. Take God with you. He is the greatest support you will ever find that will stick with you to the end.

Anything is possible. Don’t let the things in this world distract you from getting where you need to be. Don’t try to make yourself fit into society. Let go of all those things in your life that you know is causing you to backslide on your journey to better health. Do it for you and not for anyone else. Don’t do it for someone to accept you. Do this for you because in the end that’s who matters the most, you and your health.

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Being Prepared Fri, 31 Mar 2023 00:44:22 +0000 Planning ahead helped me to stay ahead.

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I remember when I was in high school, I struggled in my classes. I failed so many of my tests. It made me feel like a complete failure. I did my best and still failed. And being in school, I understand why. I didn’t take the time to plan.

Knowing I had decided to return to school, I was doing more planning than I had ever done. But, I realized that planning ahead helped me to stay ahead.

After struggling so much through high school, I had my mind set on not going back to college. Fear of failure kept me from going to college. But because of my love for writing, I decided to go back to college.

When I finished high school I decided to skip college and just focus on writing. I ended up getting one book published, The Perfect Gentleman, but my knowledge of the publishing world needed working on. I attended schools through the mail but they just didn’t work out. After really giving it some thought I decided that maybe I should reconsider going to college. But I had help with my decision. My son also played a role in my going back to school. I couldn’t make up my mind on whether I should go back to school or not. When he first started going to school, Corban asked me what I was going to be doing while he was at school. I said I didn’t know so he told me to go to school. It only confirmed what I couldn’t make my mind up on.

When I realized I was going to get a BA in English, I was really worried. In high school, English was one of my weakest subjects. But as I got in school, I felt that I was about to be strengthened in one of the main courses I wanted to strengthen. I felt I could definitely benefit from going to college by increasing my understanding on writing, promoting, and publishing my book. It was the main three areas of my writing that needed working on. And since being in college, I felt I had made some progress. I learned to take notes, study, and give reasonable time to learning new things which helped me to generate ideas.

I had to have changes made in my lifestyle in order for me to pursue my degree. So much of my life was given to helping and doing for other people. I had to let go of a lot of things that was unnecessarily taking so much of my time. Now that I was in school, I had to finally give myself some me time.

There was a lot of obstacles in my life that was trying to prevent me from doing my best in college. My health, my family, so many doctor’s appointments. Trying to keep up with everything was hard along with keeping up with school work. But like I’ve learned in Ashford’s classes it was good to write out a schedule to follow. I did that and it made things a whole lot easier to handle.

I don’t regret the decision I made of going back to school. It helped me in so many ways. And I finally felt I was doing something that was worth my time.

Life as a published author can sometimes be a challenge. Every writer should know as much as possible about the publishing world., it lets people know where you stand as a writer, it prevents someone from claiming your work, and it lets publishers, agents, and other writers know that you’re not walking in with your eyes closed. Putting more time into studying, planning, learning new things, generating ideas, and being willing to accept feedback or advice can also help in the long run. It will add to what you already know.

People respect you more when you know what you’re doing. I learned from experience that you should never just rush into anything. It will not help you if you do not know anything about what you are trying to make a goal or career at.

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